Polymer Injection Moulding
Our technical team can serve the polymer industry from an initial concept to assist in the development of a customised prototype mould to full industrial-scale moulding.
Industrial Injection Moulding
Injection moulding is a polymer process technology that allows for the manufacture of parts of intricate shape and high dimensional precision with high repeatability. With a wide range of industrial-scale machines, we can serve the polymer industry for a range of applications such as full scientific studies for manufacturing conditions, determination of processing windows, moulding of parts for materials comprehensive mechanical and thermal characterisation, new materials investigations, manufacturing and properties validation, and sustainability improvement with the addition of regrinding in the process.
Micro-Injection Moulding
Micro moulding can be a great solution for product developers who need smaller parts and want to save on cost and time to market. The MicroPower from Wittmann Battenfeld is characterised by a high degree of cost-efficiency, precision and flexibility. It represents another successful and substantial increase in customer benefit in injection moulding of small, high-precision and micro parts with a max shot weight of 3.6g (PS). The 6/10 Babyplast micro moulder is also available to reach processing temperatures of 400°C and has a max shot weight of 9.4g (PS). Complementary, for bespoke solutions, starting with the initial concept, our technical team designs and assist in the development of a customised prototype mould for your needs.
Liquid Silicon Rubber
LSR moulding is used for medical, automotive, infant care, and general industrial applications. Due to its intrinsic lubricity, heat resistance, exceptional low-temperature flexibility, chemical resistance, and biological inertness, LSR has gained increasing interest. In addition, several thermoplastic moulders are considering LSR moulding as a strategy to increase their business due to the rising popularity of hard/soft over-moulding. The Fanuc All Electric LSR machine model α-S30iA with a Nexus dosing system provides process stability, and guarantees precision and efficiency.
Rapid Tooling
While additive manufacturing is suitable for the production of small volumes of parts, for high volume production of parts injection moulding remains the gold standard industry process. Research in PRISM is investigating the use of high tolerance 3D printing techniques for the manufacturing of rapid tooling which can be delivered in days rather than months for steel moulds. The effect of the differential cooling of parts due to the use of polymeric moulds is also been investigated to develop commercially relevant options for pilot and short production runs using this hybrid technology.
- 130 T. Sumitumo Demag with integrated material handling system
- 130 T. Fanuc
- Wittmann Battenfeld MicroPower Moulding Machine 15 T
- 60 T. all electric Arburg
- 6 T Micro-Injection Moulder Babyplast
- LSR Moulding Machine FANUC All Electric α-S 30iA with Nexus Dosing System Servomix X1

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