Polymer testing and investigation
We provide a comprehensive polymer investigation, characterization and testing service.
Polymer analysis and testing employs both physical and analytical methods to verify the chemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of a polymeric material. These properties are instrumental in making sure that the polymer part will perform as required by the end user.
For example, we can verify if the parts are the proper material using FT-IR, check for contamination using DSC, and then determine if the parts are degraded using the melt flow indexer. Additionally, mechanical tests such as durometer hardness, izod impact, tensile, and flexural strength are useful in determining the mechanical integrity of a part.
We perform polymer testing and analysis by using our FT-IR to determine the composition of organic thin films, surface contamination, fibers or composites. Additionally, thermal characterization can assist in determining performance, process capabilities, quality, and aid in product development.
Mechanical Testing
Mechanical testing of polymers ensures that a material complies with industry specifications and analyses…
Thermal Analysis
Thermal analysis is a general term defining multiple techniques used to analyse the time and temperature at…
Chemical and Surface Analysis
Chemical and surface analysis
Our laboratory provides a range of polymer techniques to the chemical…